The Surprisingly Simple way to dominate Local Competition with Customer Reviews (and how to get them) | Hudson Valley DFY Marketing

The Surprisingly Simple way to dominate Local Competition with Customer Reviews 

(and how to get them)

by Kip Anson

One of the most effective ways to grow your business using the internet is often one of the most ignored. 


Every single day, your business probably has an interaction with a customer that would cause them to leave a positive review. With that in mind, why do you think it’s so hard for us to ask our customers for that valuable feedback?

Simply put, it’s just not built into our normal workflow. 

We get stuck on the day-to-day task of delivering a high quality product and forget to actually ask folks to talk about the experience we so carefully delivered to them.

Today, I want to walk you through the vital reasons why Google reviews are so important to small businesses, how to get them easier, and how this can increase your sales almost overnight once you implement it.

Let’s dive in.

The 11 Powerful Effects Google Reviews have on small businesses and why they are so important.


Review Effect #1: Reviews Boosts Online Visibility.

Google reviews directly influence local search rankings. The more positive reviews a business has, the higher it appears in search results, making it more visible to potential customers. Also Google and customers are looking for recent and regular positive reviews. Google rewards recent and regular positive reviews with more visibility. New customer are more likely to do business with companies that have positive reviews that are week old compared to the last postive review left months ago. 

Review Effect #2: Reviews Boost Credibility and Trust. 

Positive reviews serve as social proof, increasing trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers. People are more likely to trust a business with numerous positive reviews.

Review Effect #3: Reviews Influence Consumer Decisions. 

Many consumers read online reviews before making a purchase decision. Positive reviews can sway potential customers to choose your business over competitors.

Review Effect #4: Reviews are Free Advertising.

Each review is essentially a form of free advertising, increasing the business's exposure and informing potential customers about what you offer.

Review Effect #5: Feedback and an Opportunity for Improvement.

Reviews provide valuable feedback about what your business is doing well and areas where it can improve. This can help guide business decisions and improvements.

Review Effect #6: Engagement with Customers.

Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, shows that a business values customer feedback and is committed to customer satisfaction.

Review Effect #7: They help you Rank for valuable but obscure Keywords.

Reviews contribute to local search engine optimization (SEO), particularly when they include keywords relevant to the business.

Review Effect #8: Increases Word-of-Mouth Marketing. 

Good reviews can encourage word-of-mouth marketing, as satisfied customers are likely to recommend your business to others.

Review Effect #9: Done-for-you Social Media Content. 

Any review that is left can instantly be turned into social media content that will help your business grow faster.

Review Effect #10: Reviews help create a Broad Customer Base. 

By improving visibility and trust, reviews can help attract a wide range of customers, from locals to tourists or people new to the area.

Review Effect #11: Long-Term Reputation Building. 

Accumulating positive reviews over time contributes to building a strong, long-term reputation for the business.

How to make the process of getting Google Reviews for your business an easy task (How to Create a “Review Machine”).


The reason that it’s so hard for most businesses to get consistent Google reviews is that it’s actually a poorly designed process by Google.

As it stands on the surface, you have to find the business on Google, click a button, and then the Review form pops up. While this works well for those searching out your business, it doesn’t actually serve our purposes.

We want to get people to leave a review at the very moment where they are feeling the most appreciative of our products or services. That’s typically when they are inside of your business experiencing that product or service.

So, how do we make this task easy?

Part 1: 
Create a QR code with a link that goes directly to the Google Review form box.

This may seem like is going to be hard, but it is easy since we have partnered with Google to bring you an easy solution. To create the link and Qr code image file all you need to do is enter your business in the field below. When you have completed filling out the form and click on submit we will provide you with Google Review Form Box link and a downloadable image file of a QR code.

Enter Your Business Info Below

Note: If you do not find your business by entering your info in the form above it may be because you do not yet have Google Business Profile or you are new busineses sometimes need time show up on Google.

If this happens just use the AI Chat Assistant on the right side of this web page and ask for help with your Google Business Profile.

Part 2: 
Make sure you save Google Review Form Box link and the downloadable QR code image file.

We suggest that if you have a gmail account that you save the Google Review Form Box link and a downloadable image file of a QR code in your Google Drive.

Part 3: 
Use Google Review Form Box QR code and have them printed on the back of some of your own business cards.

If you have local printer that prints your cards then certainly reachout to have small batch cards printed.

If you do not have a printer try Vista Print and Click Here.

Here is an example of the back a business card of the Google Review Form Box QR code.


Part 4: Give every Happy Customer a “Review Card”.

A) Start looking for those customers who are having a positive experience with you in your business every day.

B) Ask them if they wouldn’t mind helping you out and if they respond with a “yes” (they always will).

C) Give them a card and ask them to scan the code and to give your business a review when the form pops up.

What are the common results of implementing this “Review Machine” in your Business?

You’ll have a way that any staff member in your business can give a customer an easy way to give your customers a way to give you a Google Review on the spot. This causes the amount of positive reviews that you get to skyrocket and you’ll instantly start getting the 11 benefits of these reviews that we talked about above.

This is a great way to knock down and bury any negative reviews that your business may have gotten in the past.

Here’s my Sincere Recommendation and Request.

While this is something that you can absolutely do on your own, I know that your time is valuable. This is a task we do for our customers all the time and my team and I would love the opportunity to just do it for you. It’s not expensive and it’s something that we can have ready for you to use and benefit from in under 2 weeks from today.

Our Review Domination System that we setup for customers also has additional systems to help get more reviws, visibilty and social proof.

I guarantee that within 60 days of us setting up a “Review Domination System” for your business that you’ll see a strong spike in online reviews, greater visibility, socialproof, and the benefits to go with it.

All you have to do is sign up using this link and we’ll get it built for you within 14 days. Let myself and my team get you set up and if you aren’t completely satisfied with the results of your “Review Domination System” after 60 days, we’ll give you your money back.

Click Here to Sign Up Now and let us build your business with its own “Google Review Machine”.

If You Would Like Book A Demo And Talk To Us Click Here

If You Would Like Details On How Can Help You With Our Review Domination System Click Here

Kip Anson
Owner at:

Hudson Valley DFY Marketing

Call or Text me at (845) 380-9411

©2023 Hudson Valley DFY Marketing